A Poem for Zaccheus Jackson & The Toronto Spoken Word Community

Source: FacebookThis is the piece I wrote to honour the late Zaccheus Jackson, who died in a tragic train accident two weeks ago. It was shared onstage at the Toronto Poetry Slam inside the Drake Underground on August 30, 2014. I post it here for posterity:

Worry Not, Waste Not by Ritallin


If things go wrong, don’t go with them.
– Roger Babson

things have gone terribly, terribly wrong
one dude i know who’s all big lips and privilege
up and left and the only thing i can focus on
is the privilege i had to know him
to focus on that instead of the what ifs of a day
when we were supposed to be breaking bread
but instead he ends up dead
is too much pain for one man to bear
so i force myself into a mode of self-care
lain bare by the pain of tears that
force their way out tear ducts
and burn worse than acid on their way down
i ask you – where is the sense in all this?


Worry is a misuse of imagination.
– Dan Zadra

Zaccheus Jackson would not abide my misuse
of my imagination at any moment of time
he had no worries when he introduced me
to his home, his cat and his hospitable heart
showed me nothing but love in the moments
we shared together and made me laugh along
with the unbridled joy he found in the universe
despite every tortured moment he ever experienced
he went through the very worst of the world
and came out smiling so who the hell am i
to carry baggage filled with spite, malice or vengeance
when he had no time for such things?


People gather bundles of sticks to build bridges they never cross.
– Author Unknown

we can use gathered branches for bridges or burning
so who votes for bridge building
i’m tired of focusing on splinters
and would much rather forge connections
if one thing can be learned it’s that
our time for building bridges is borrowed
investments compound interest
which can work for us or against us
but it is only us who have the power to lay down
the sticks especially when we must stick together
so think about the ways in which you may be
cross and ask yourself if you like living there
or if you’d rather bundle yourself with those
who are like-minded as mutual support and
protection when a loved one goes out
in a glorious unexpected blaze


I am reminded of the advice of my neighbor. “Never worry about your heart till it stops beating.”
– E.B. White

i am here
in this space in front of all of you
sticks laid out and ignorant of splinters
because we need each other
my heart is broken and we have the chance
to allow our tears to put out the brushfires
reach out to each other and remove the splinters
mend broken bones from sticks and stones
become a rock of ages to each and every
other heart that pumps a little faster these days
because don’t you think that those small things
are a whole lot less important all of a sudden?
so plunge deep into our shared passion
that is so much more important as a force of unity
than any single splinter that sprouts a sliver of pain
can ever realistically do
to honour someone who placed community first
we must also put community first
to build a bridge more majestic than the Golden Gate
as monument to one beyond pearly gates
call me a wistful dreamer or a naïve speaker
but i still believe we are stronger than our weaknesses
here are my bundles of sticks, laid out before you
now let’s lay a new foundation and build

© A. Gregory Frankson, 2014. All rights reserved.

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Digging Under Ford Transit Plan to Find Truth, or, Ford Faerie Fantasy Finalized

The Ford plan envisions 32 kilometres of new subways at projected cost of $9 billion - funded by faeries.

The Ford plan envisions 32 kilometres of new subways at projected cost of $9 billion – funded by faeries.

I saw Andray Domise, councillor candidate in Ward 2, at the Black Canadians mayoral debate last week. He seems like a pretty well put-together dude, I thought at the time. Today on Twitter, I noted he was commenting on the Ford rapid transit plan released earlier today. His thoughts aligned quite nicely with mine: we agree Ford must believe in “Faeganomics” – the confidence that fiscal faeries who have yet to bestow their kindness onto our civic leaders will magically drop $9 billion in our laps to pay for Phase 1 of the madness the mayor has proposed.

Why is it little better than bluster and pixie dust? Because the way he wants to fund these lines sounds an awful lot like the “plan” he had when he pledged to kill the Transit City plan agreed upon under David Miller. Here are the projects in Phase 1:

1. Burial of the eastern end of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT (from Laird to Kennedy), which is currently under construction;
2. Extension of the Sheppard subway from Don Mills to McCowan (to connect with the new Bloor-Danforth extension “built” by Ford during his current term as mayor), instead of the surface LRT that’s already approved and funded along the same route;
3. Construction of the eastern section of a downtown relief line connecting Pape and Queen stations; and
4. Building a subway from the nearly-completed Finch West station to Humber College, instead of the surface LRT that’s already approved and funded along the same route.

After squashing the LRT projects on Sheppard and Finch and redirecting that money to subways, Ford somehow thinks the private sector (through development charges, sale of “air rights” above new stations and public-private partnerships) will fund a huge chunk of this plan, along with asset sales by Build Toronto and the city along the corridors, targeting natural year-over-year tax revenue growth from a couple of sources to transit, and big bucks from the two senior levels of government.

This is all malarkey, of course. 

I can almost see the little faeries Rob must be conferring with who have convinced him that taxpayers don’t need to contribute to the upkeep of the city, ever. In fact, if the city just had no taxes at all, we’re pretty sure everything could continue to run — the buses, the power lines, sewage, roads, garbage pickup, property assessments, municipal program delivery — because the taxpayer needs to be insulated from any responsibility! The private sector is so excited about Toronto, they will pay for any shortfalls after the faeries rain their pixie dust on the voters just long enough to secure Ford more years.

That’s how seriously we should take his transit proposals. 

In the real world, reallocating funding that’s already approved for lines already approved needs to be changed and then approved — by the provincial government. How confident are you as a Torontonian that this guy could sit down with Premier Kathleen Wynne and get anything of substance accomplished? At the end of the day, sensible people come to sensible conclusions. Quibble with her approach and direction if you want, but if I’m in a “Who’s More Sensible” debate pitting Wynne against Ford, it’s a one-word argument — and Wynne doesn’t lose.

What I would love the media to do is focus on the plans of all the mayoral candidates, instead of giving Ford a disproportionate amount of airtime (one of the main problems with the media coverage during this election cycle, from the start to the present). John Tory, Olivia Chow and David Soknacki have their own ideas and they should be compared and contrasted, not just Ford’s plan blasted.

Even though it’s full value for the withering criticism and barely muffled laughter at the “rationale” and “funding strategy” in today’s announcement.


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Black Canadians Mayoral Debate, or, Why the Toronto Black Community Desperately Needs to Learn How to Do Politics

Mayoral candidates at a debate hosted by the Diversity Advancement Network at the Novotel in North York Centre, August 29, 2014. Photo courtesy of Black Canadian Awards.

Mayoral candidates at a debate hosted by the Diversity Advancement Network at the Novotel in North York Centre, August 29, 2014. Photo courtesy of Black Canadian Awards.

I was invited to share some opening remarks at the Black Canadian Mayoral Forum presented by the Diversity Advancement Network – the organization responsible for the Black Canadian Awards. I got myself dressed up and showed up on time at the Novotel in North York Centre. I was told I would be able to present my remarks after the council and school board candidates in attendance were introduced, just before the debate was set to begin.

What happened next is a lesson in how not to run a political event.

First of all, it started grievously late. Secondly, the aforementioned political introductions were to be one minute long. Hands up – how many of you ever met a group of politicians who are capable of introducing themselves and their pitch in a minute or less? So that segment ran long too, causing the lead organizer to cut off the introductions mid-stream, cut my remarks entirely, and move directly to the debate proper, in the interest of time.

Sometimes you have to make decisions like that in the overall interest of the event. I understand those choices because I run events too. But what you NEVER do is cut someone from the program without notice, then give the person a half-hearted “we were running late” shrug halfway through the debate.

Why am I airing this on my blog? Because this event was meant to focus attention on the Black community. Despite the solid turnout (which was encouraging) and a few other positives, the event was, for the most part, a dog’s breakfast of confusion, tardiness and muddled messages. If we in the Black community want our political events to be taken seriously, there are a couple of really basic things that need to be handled:

1. Start on time, dammit! Don’t excuse “Black people time” by pushing things back until people show up. In the world of political campaigns, time is everything. Don’t waste the politicians’ time. The people who organize campaigns are around a lot longer than political candidates tend to be. They remember stuff like that and may not be willing to waste their time with you four years in the future.

2. NEVER cut off a politician once they’ve been promised the chance to speak at a political event. The fact you’re running behind schedule isn’t their fault. It’s yours. Deal with the ramifications at that point but let them touch the mic, especially if other candidates were granted the opportunity; campaign events are supposed to be non-partisan affairs on the part of the organizers. So if you cut someone off you will appear to be playing favourites, even if that’s not your intention. You also come across as an organizer who doesn’t honour their word and that is devastating for earning buy-in from candidates for the next debate.

3. Communicate any potential program changes to affected parties BEFORE you change it. This is so elementary it’s frustrating I even need to say it. People took time out of their busy lives to appear at an evening event on the Friday of a long weekend. Give them at least the basic courtesy of letting them know the preparation of their remarks (which also takes time) has gone in vain – as a personal courtesy and an absolute necessity to protect the integrity of your organization. Not doing so makes you appear callous, insensitive and ungrateful.

4. Acknowledge everyone invited to participate directly in the event when you wrap up the evening. To pour salt in the wound, no one said anything about the fact I was supposed to speak, had prepared comments and had made the time to be present. The opportunity to connect with others in my community about issues I care passionately about that affect their lives profoundly had been denied cavalierly by the head organizer. Not even taking the moment to say “thanks for coming, sorry about cutting you off” from the stage was the final indignity for myself and for the candidates who were denied the chance to speak.

It’s time for the Black community to mature in its interactions with the political process. It’s not enough to say “we had lots of people, they heard the candidates, so we’re happy” as if that’s the only thing that matters from an organizational perspective. It’s time for us to pick it up and show we know how to make this game work for us. As laudatory as it was to have a room filled mostly with Black people and news cameras to talk about issues that impact the Black community, we also broadcast our dysfunction, lack of respect for other people’s time and disorganization for the whole city to see. That was NOT a good look, Toronto Black community. WE CAN AND MUST DO BETTER.

For those who are curious, here are the words I intended to share with the audience at the Novotel that night:


Good evening. 

When we speak of politics we often hear them described using war or sports analogies. Politics is a bloodsport. Participants battle with no holds barred. They get down in the political trenches and attempt to blitz each other during the war of attrition we call campaigns. 

There is one undeniable truth in all this talk of battle, fighting and war – In order for any of those analogies to make sense one must be participating directly. It’s impossible to be blitzed by an effective ad campaign, for example, if your name is not on the ballot. 

The United States in 2008 did what no one thought would happen in this lifetime – elect a Black president. When does anyone believe we will elect a Black Prime Minister? Premier? Party politics may not produce a Black leader for decades provincially or federally. But today we focus on the local level, where the constraints of party do not apply and we have direct access to those of diverse backgrounds seeking to wear the chains of office right here in this room. 

The politicians you will see here tonight are doing something that is critical to our future – they are personal participants as political candidates. They are seeking support by not just pointing out what is wrong but by advancing ideas they feel offer the best solutions for the future. One can agree or disagree, and part of why we’re here is to be witness to the clash of ideas so we can see which perspective best aligns with our own. It’s our system at its best. 

Politics is much more like war than it is like sports. 

The sports fan may care passionately about the successes or failures of their favourite teams but championships or first round exits do not determine the price of milk. They are pastime – important for the soul but not foundational to the shape of society. 

War creates winners who earn the right to shape policy and political structures while the losers are forced to live with the decisions others make on their behalf. War is, like sports, rooted in conflict. But who wins a war DOES have an impact on the price of milk. Or the rate of taxation on development. Or the cost of riding the TTC. 

I say to the Black community that we do not have the luxury of allowing others to shape policy and political structures on our behalf without diligently working to improve our community’s lot and forcefully declaring our intentions at every point of access to the process. The current state of affairs has been found to be biased against us in many cases, flat out racist in others, and beyond our scope to directly influence and shape in all cases where we do not directly participate. 

We do not inherit our world from our ancestors but rather borrow it from our children. Disengagement is not an option for anyone who believes in this principle. I believe in it. That is why I am here today and I hope that is what has drawn you here as well. 

It’s not as though we do not have a strong history of Black political leadership in this city. When Councillor Minnan-Wong a few months back floated the idea of renaming Union Station in honour of Sir John A. Macdonald, I responded in my CBC poem that week that perhaps we should consider naming it Hubbard Station instead, in honour of the father, William, a former city alderman and the son, Frederick, a former chair of the TTC. We have been part of the political shaping of this city and it is now when we must press forward once again and assert our collective voice with mature and assured confidence. 

We must work to elect more diverse voices but electoral politics is but one access point to democracy. We have another lever, the franchise, which we can and must exercise in October and every four years hence. Let us seize the opportunity to hold current leadership accountable for the choices of the past and demand candidates for future leadership convince us of the best ways forward for all citizens of this growing and prospering city. 

For the sake of our children we must make decisions today that result in the Toronto we want to leave for them. Let’s do what we can this evening and in the weeks, months and years to come to ensure not just our voices but also our ideas and passions are planted firmly in the processes of our city. Pay close attention to see who can carry it forward from the group we witness tonight and identify those among us who will loudly and passionately fight for what we believe to be right once new people are elected this fall. 

It’s our city. It’s time we lead it. Thank you. 

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Canada Is Not Missouri (as heard on CBC Here and Now – August 21, 2014)

Canada is not Missouri
a country rather than one of fifty states
prone to cold rather than race riots
though we’ve had a few in our history
a land where law preceded the settlers
rather than a gateway to the wild West

Canada is not Missouri
the gateway is wild with anger these days
after a Black youth was gunned down
in the middle of a Ferguson street
suburban town of mostly African-Americans
served by a mostly white police force
felt anything but protected in the aftermath
so they rose up in furious protest
then police swarmed the streets in riot gear
in response protestors looted and burned
spontaneous release of pent up frustrations
that found voice and resonance in the callout
“hands up! don’t shoot!”

Canada is not Missouri
Toronto is not Ferguson
these truths do not change the reality
Michael Brown is no longer alive
and Black citizens are not satisfied
resolution is not just around the corner

homicide is not less heinous to family
when a police bullet takes life
because homicide means the killing
of one human by another
and we need to be real with people
about what a police shooting means
to the affected community
a police officer is a human being
and a suspect shot dead was also human
it is the very definition of homicide
candy coatings do not obscure reality
we need to treat all as human beings
no matter how or whom is responsible

with the motto “Proud Past, Promising Future”
Ferguson has work to do to make its motto stick
in this suburb of St. Louis in the state of Missouri
the body politic is quite decidedly sick
for true healing to come to the fore for its people
so they can find the serenity to live in peace
they must feel with certainty the cops in their midst
serve the interest of the people who are being policed
allegations of racism come from all different quarters
not just Missouri but all across America and so
while it’s easy to dismiss it as beyond our concern
Blacks shot dead by police is something we know
it has happened in Toronto so Ferguson’s anger
feels real to a community who understands the grief
despises the denials and abhors the excuses
seeks fruitlessly for a new reality that brings relief

Canada is not Missouri
but both places are filled with humans
for the group among those with melanin-rich
skin tones who feel the law is an oppressor
confirmation of their views was received
through what happened to Michael Brown
and even though his body
left to cruelly rot under summer heat
found itself there through a violent end
to life due to death at the barrel end
of a service revolver in Ferguson, Missouri
to Black people here it feels just like
those gunshots rang out right here
on a suburban street in this town

Canada is not Missouri
but Michael Brown could have been
the child of despairing Toronto parents
searching for meaning in the senseless
just as two parents are now doing in Ferguson
for a culture of distrust between police and Blacks
known to Black parents across North America
instils fear for the safety of their children
should they encounter armed agents of the law
it is senseless to believe otherwise
and disingenuous to say we are unaffected
because this happened south of the border
rather than on our city’s streets

Canada is not Missouri
this much is doubtlessly true
but even if Toronto is not Ferguson
what happened there should still matter to you.

© A. Gregory Frankson, 2014. All rights reserved.

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